

    Comparison of sensitivity verification requirements of dye penetrant testing betweendomestic and foreign standards

    • 摘要: 以喷罐装、手工操作的“溶剂去除型着色渗透+溶剂悬浮显像”法为例,对比了美国、欧洲和中国的常用渗透检测标准,阐述了验证渗透检测灵敏度所用的试块和操作方法存在的差异,梳理和分析其优缺点,并提出建议,可供渗透检测人员参考。


      Abstract: By taking the manually operated penetration testing by using the pressurized canned “solvent removable dye penetrant+solvent suspension imaging” method as an example, this article aims to compare the penetration testing standards in the United States, Europe, and China. It also attempts to expound the differences in test blocks and operating methods used in the verification of penetration testing sensitivity, to sort out and analyze the advantages and limitations, and to provide improvement measures and suggestions for penetrant testing personnel.


