

    Online acoustic emission detection of multi-layer wrapped ammonia converter

    • 摘要: 利用声发射(AE)检测技术进行现场多层包扎氨合成塔的在线检测及诊断工作。氨合成塔处于高温复杂的工作环境,采用有限元法进行模拟分析,利用波导杆对设备的声发射信号进行采集。根据采集的信号判断声发射信号源的位置并采用磁粉及超声检测法进行复验,分析了声发射源信号的特征,并对其产生的原因进行了推测。在线检测结果可辅助诊断设备的使用状态是否安全。


      Abstract: Acoustic emission (AE) detection technology is used for on-line detection and diagnosis of multi-layer wrapped ammonia converter. Because the ammonia converter is in high temperature and complex working environment, the finite element method is used for simulation analysis, the wave guide rod is used to collect the acoustic emission signal of the equipment. According to the collected signals, the source position of acoustic emission signal is determind, and the magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing method are used to recheck it. The characteristics of acoustic emission signal source are analyzed, and the causes are speculated. The online test results can help to diagnose whether the equipment is safe or not.


