

    Phased array ultrasonic testing of 304 stainless steel weld

    • 摘要: 按照ASME (美国机械工程师协会)锅炉与压力容器规范的规定,当对构件实施射线检测有困难时,可以用相控阵超声检测方法替代。通过对304不锈钢焊缝试块进行相控阵超声检测,对规范提出的检测和验收标准、试块制作、规程演示、工艺参数设置、仪器校准等相关要求进行了诠释,并通过实际测试数据验证了其可行性,可为工程应用提供参考。


      Abstract: This article describes how to follow the ASME code and use the PAUT to substitute RT when there are difficulties in implementing 304 stainless steel weld test block radiographic testing. It includes the test and acceptance standard,test block fabrication, procedures demonstration,process parameters setting,instrument calibration and other relevant requirements. Finally, the feasibility is verified by the actual test data.It is expected to serve as a reference for practical engineering applications.


