

    Recent progress of standardized FMC-TFM testing

    • 摘要: 双全法所得图像分辨率优,保真度好,信噪比高。其数据采集,信息处理,成像路径,灵敏度校正,网格验证,显示识别,补偿修正等过程是规范化操作的关键。通过解读国际标准草案ISO/DIS 23865:2020,介绍了超声“双全法”——全矩阵捕获(FMC)和全聚焦法(TFM)检测技术标准化最新动态。为标准化双全法高新技术在国内承压设备在制、在役检测中的应用提供了借鉴。


      Abstract: The image obtained by FMC-TFM has better resolution, good fidelity and high SNR. Data acquisition, information processing, imaging paths, sensitivity correction, grid validation, indication identification and compensation correction are the key points of standardized operation. By interpreting the draft international standard ISO/DIS 23865:2020, the recent progress of the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) /Full Focusing Method (TFM) testing technique standardization are understood. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for application of the advanced technology of standardized FMC-TFM for in-manufacture and in-service testing of pressure equipment at home.


