

    Phased array ultrasonic testing for welded joints of aluminum alloy plate

    • 摘要: 以母材厚度为10 mm和16 mm的铝合金焊接接头为研究对象,采用自聚焦探头和常规探头进行相控阵检测,对检测结果进行综合分析,评价相控阵检测对铝合金接头检测的准确性。试验结果表明:对于母材厚度为10 mm的铝合金焊接接头,选择自聚焦探头能检出全部预制缺陷,并能获得更多的缺陷特征信息,其缺陷检出率、缺陷定量精度明显高于常规探头的;对于母材厚度为16 mm的铝合金焊接接头,受聚焦区域的影响,常规探头能够检出全部预制缺陷,缺陷检出率、缺陷定量精度高于自聚焦探头的。因此,只要选择合适的探头,高压开关设备焊接外壳就可采用相控阵超声检测为主,射线检测为辅的检测方法。


      Abstract: At present, there are some shortcomings in NDT of aluminum alloy shell used for high-voltage switch-gear. Based on the advantages of phased array testing, exploring whether the gear is needed to be replaced is the aim of current research. In the paper, the butt welding commonly used in the aluminum alloy with base material thickness of 10 and 16 mm respectively is used. The self-focusing probe and conventional probe were used for comparative analysis aiming to evaluate test accuracy. The test results show that for 10 mm aluminum alloy welded joints, the self-focusing probe can detect all prefabricated defects and obtain more defect characteristics information. For 16 mm aluminum alloy welded joints, affected by the focusing area, the conventional probe can detect all the prefabricated defects, and the defect detection rate and defect quantitative accuracy are higher than that of the self-focusing probe.


