AWSD 1.1标准中焊缝相控阵超声检测要求的解读
Interpretation on the standard of AWS D1. 1 for PAUT of weld
摘要: 介绍了AWS D1.1标准以及该标准在相控阵检测中的应用历程,并对该标准中相控阵检测焊缝的各项具体要求进行了解读,揭示了该标准可操作性强的特点,以为相控阵检测人员编制规程和现场操作提供借鉴。Abstract: This paper introduces AWS D1.1 and the application process for PAUT of welds. The specific requirements for PAUT of welds in AWS D1.1 are interpreted and its strong operability is revealed. The paper can provide reference for phased array inspection personnel establishment rules and field operation.