

    The inspection of girth weld of stainless steel pipe by phased array ultrasonic creeping wave

    • 摘要: 针对传统的相控阵检测工艺无法满足焊缝区域检测需求的问题,首先对爬波检测技术原理进行了研究,基于相控阵超声检测技术,对比了不同类型的相控阵双晶探头激发爬波时的检测效果,分析了相控阵探头晶片参数对爬波检测的影响。希望通过相控阵超声检测技术激发爬波,从而有效解决不锈钢管环焊缝检测中的问题。


      Abstract: The traditional phased array testing technology can not meet the requirements. In this article, based on phased array ultrasonic testing technology, studies and analyses were firstly made on the principle of creeping wave technology to compare creeping wave effect between different types of dual array PAUT probe and to analyze creeping wave effect by parameters of PAUT probe. It is hoped to solve the problem effectively for the girth weld inspection of stainless steel pipe by phased array ultrasonic creeping wave.


