

    Sub-pixel Edge Detection of Transmission Shaft Based on the Neighboring Pixels

    • 摘要: 针对由于传动轴表面品质不高或者存在毛刺造成的图像噪声问题,提出了一种改进的基于像素邻域的多次迭代滤波求亚像素边缘的方法,阐述了该算法的原理和实现方法。该方法应用于齿轮轴径的测量试验中,能够将测量相对误差控制在0.2%以内,定位精度高于未改进算法的定位精度。结果表明,该算法能够在噪声图像中检测到更平滑和连贯的边缘,从而获得准确的亚像素边缘坐标。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problem of image noise due to the low surface quality of the workpiece or the presence of burr, an improved method of sub-pixel edge detection based on the neighborhood of the pixel using multiple iterative filtering methods is proposed. The principle and implementation method of this algorithm are described. The method is applied to the measurement of diameter of the gear shaft, and it is found that the relative error of measurement can be controlled within 0.2%, and the positioning accuracy is higher than that of the unimproved algorithm. The experiment proves that the algorithm can give out more smooth and coherent edges from the noise image, thus obtaining accurate sub-pixel edge coordinates.


