

    Se75 Ray Source Inspection of Thin-Walled Pipe Welds of Nuclear Power Plant Based on RCC-M Specification

    • 摘要: 通过射线透照对比试验,验证了采用Se75射线源对核电厂薄壁管道焊缝进行射线检测的像质计灵敏度,比较了Se75和Ir192射线源照相的特性,以及不同射线源在满足RCC-M《压水堆核岛机械设备设计和建造规则》规范时射线透照工艺参数下的照相灵敏度;提出了Se75射线照相适用的厚度范围,验证了Se75射线源在满足RCC-M规范的射线透照工艺参数下与不同种类胶片和增感屏组合系统的照相灵敏度,推荐了Se75射线源检测适用的胶片种类。


      Abstract: Radiographic tests by using Se75 ray source were used to verify the detection penetrameter sensitivity for nuclear power plant of thin-walled piping welds. By comparing the photographic characteristics of Se75 with Ir192 ray source, as well as photographic sensitivities for different radiation sources to meet the RCC-M The Design and Construction Rules Applicable to Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands specifications, applicable thickness rang of Se75 radiography was proposed, verified the photographic sensitivity while using Se75 ray source with different types of film and intensifying screen together to meet the RCC-M specification. The applicable radiographic film types while using Se75 ray source were recommended.


