The Correlation between Acoustic and Mechanical Properties of GFRP Pipes Exposed to Irradiation and Natural Aging
摘要: 对油田常用玻璃钢管道进行了辐照加速时效试验和自然放置试验,分析了玻璃钢管道的环向拉伸性能和剪切性能;利用声发射仪以及采用断铅的方式测得不同试验周期下管道的声学参数,得出自然环境下和辐照加速时效下玻璃钢管道的力学性能和声学性能规律,运用灰色关联法计算了声学-力学关联度。结果表明,环向拉伸力学性能和断铅信号波速的关联度达到0.7以上。
- 玻璃纤维增强塑料管道 /
- 辐照时效 /
- 自然时效 /
- 关联度
Abstract: By choosing oilfield as the experimental site,both the irradiation accelerated aging test and the natural aging test of commonly used FRP pipes were carried out. The circumferential tensile properties and shear mechanical properties of FRP pipes were tested. The acoustic parameters of pipes in different test circles were measured by means of lead breaking method combined with acoustic emission equipment, then the mechanical properties and acoustic properties of FRP pipes under natural environment and irradiation accelerated aging are obtained, and the acoustic-mechanical correlation degree was calculated by using grey relational analysis. The results show that the correlation degree between circumferential tensile mechanical properties and the broken lead signal velocity was more than 0.7. -
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