
    标准GB/T 50818-2013与ISO 13847:2013附录G中关于长输管线AUT检测标准的对比

    Comparative of Long Distance Pipeline AUT Standards Between GB/T 50818-2013 and Annex G of ISO 13847:2013

    • 摘要: 标准GB/T 50818-2013《石油天然气管道工程全自动超声波检测技术规范》和ISO 13847:2013 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries-Pipeline Transportation Systems-Welding of Pipelines附录G均是关于长输管线AUT (全自动超声检测)的标准。主要对两个标准的适应范围、系统要求、工艺规程、试块、系统校验、工艺验证及工艺验收等几个方面进行了比较分析,以方便无损检测人员正确应用这两个标准。


      Abstract: GB/T 50818-2013 and Annex G of ISO 13847:2013 are respective AUT codes regard to long distance pipeline. This article makes a comparative analysis from these aspects of scope of application, system requirements, procedure, block, qualification of system, verification of procedure, and workmanship acceptance criteria for the application convenience of NDT personnel.


