Electroacoustic Detection and Location Technology in Partial Discharge of High Voltage Switchgear
摘要: 在研究高压开关柜局部放电检测原理的基础上,提出了一种基于超声波、超高频电磁波的联合定位检测技术(简称“声电联合”),并对其检测原理进行了阐述,最后通过典型案例的应用验证了该技术能精确找到高压开关柜的局部放电点,并能高效指导检修工作的开展。Abstract: Based on the detection and location principle of partial discharge in high voltage switchgear, a joint positioning detection technology based on ultrasonic and electromagnetic wave is proposed, and its principle is elaborated subsequently. Finally, the application of typical cases has shown that the technology can accurately find the local discharge point of hight voltage switchgear, and guide the maintenance work efficiently.