Acoustic Emission Testing during the PSI and ISI of the Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 核电站一回路部件由于长时间受震动、高压、高温、高辐射等因素的作用,容易产生各种危害性缺陷。针对核电站一回路水压试验,参照RSE-M压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备在役检查规则的相关要求,开展了水压试验期间的泄漏进行声发射检测,对一回路系统的相关焊缝进行了监测。Abstract: The welds of primary circuit in nuclear power plant are susceptible to the production and expansion of a variety of hazardous defects as a result of vibration, high pressure, temperature and radiation and other factors. According to the RSE-M code, acoustic emission testing is used to survey some welds of the primary loop during the hydrostatic test.