
    核电厂役前和在役检查Co60 γ射线曝光曲线的绘制及应用

    Drawing and Application of Exposure Curve of Co60 γ Ray for Pre-service and In-service Inspection for Nuclear Power Plant

    • 摘要: 结合核电厂役前和在役检查的射线检测范围,分析了曝光时间计算公式和曝光计算尺在使用过程中存在的不足,通过使用Co60 γ射线源、Kodak M型工业胶片、一定厚度的铅滤光片等对40~130 mm厚度的钢试块进行射线透照试验,绘制出了Co60 γ射线源的曝光曲线,拟合出了Co60 γ射线源的曝光时间计算公式。Co60 γ射线源曝光曲线或公式为完成核电厂的役前和在役检查提供了透照时间的计算依据,提高了射线检测结果的可靠性。


      Abstract: This paper aims to draw Co60 γ ray exposure curve and Co60 γ formula by using pre-service inspection (PSI) and in-service inspection (ISI) for nuclear power plant samples. The drawbacks of exposure curve formula and the exposure curve calculation ruler were analyzed, and lots of 40~130 mm thickness steel samples together with Co60 γ ray, Kodak M industrial film and lead filter were experimentally tested. Co60 γ ray exposure curve and its formula provide basis for completion of PSI and ISI, and they also boost the creditability of ray check result.


