

    Ultrasonic Testing of Filling Degree of Grouting Material in Monolithic Precast Concrete Building

    • 摘要: 介绍了适用于装配整体式混凝土构件的浆锚施工节点,以及水平黏结缝中灌浆料充盈度的超声波检测方法。该方法不仅具有无损检测的技术特点,而且检测部位以及检测比例可以根据实际需要任意选取。采用高频、小直径辐射端面的换能器是该检测方法的关键,在研究中开发的超声波同心圆等距检测方法是在传统超声波检测技术上的创新。依据声速、波幅等声学参量检测灌浆料充盈度的判别原则,通过相同位置检测数据的比对分析,能有效地检测出装配整体式混凝土建筑灌浆施工中存在的缺陷。


      Abstract: The ultrasonic testing of filling degree of grouting material in grout-filled hole and horizontal seam of precast concrete components is introduced. This method has the characteristics of nondestructive testing, and both testing position and ratio can be selected according to actual needs. Using transducers with high frequency and small diameter of radiation end is the key factor and the ultrasonic testing method with concentric circle equidistance is an innovation based on the traditional ultrasonic testing technology. With the judgment criterion by acoustic parameters of velocity and amplitude, the grouting defects in monolithic precast concrete building can be judged by comparing the data from the same testing region.


