Penetrant Testing for Dissimilar Metal Weld of Reactor Pressure Vessel Nozzle and Safe End in Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 针对核反应堆压力容器(RPV)管嘴异种金属焊缝,介绍了对其进行着色渗透检测工艺(溶剂去除型着色渗透检测、溶剂悬浮显像)的特点;探讨了对其进行在役渗透检测的特殊性及实施办法,可供同行参考。Abstract: This paper describes liquid penetrant testing process for dissimilar metal weld of PRV nozzle and safe end. It discusses the implementation features of solvent (removal penetrant testing and solvent) suspended development. The particularity of in-service penetrant test and implementation methods were also investigated, which should provide a reference for NDT staff.