

    Ultrasonic Testing of Narrow-gap TIG Weld of Large Thickness Titanium Alloy

    • 摘要: 针对以不同超声检测探头对某大厚度(大于30 mm)钛合金窄间隙(坡口间隙小于20 mm)TIG焊缝进行超声检测时,检测结果存在差异的问题,对焊缝进行多次解剖,结合射线透照检测方法,分析了差异产生的原因,最终将位于判废线以上Ⅲ区缺陷判定为非危害性缺陷,对不同检测条件下检测结果的分析可供同行参考。


      Abstract: Ultrasonic testing was used to detect the large thickness (more than 30 mm) and narrow-gap (less than 20 mm) weld in a titanium alloy product. Under different detecting conditions, the results were found to be different, and a defect whose wave amplitude was located in area III above rejection line was even found. This paper further analyzed the causes of the diference, and the defect was ultimately identified as non-dangerous defect by dissection and radiography of the weld. This paper can work as a reference to those who are concerned.


