The Manufacture and Quality Control of AUT Calibration Block
摘要: AUT校准试块作为AUT系统校准的唯一标定试块,其加工质量直接影响系统的可靠性。通过监控AUT校准试块加工的每个环节,准确测量各反射体的加工精度及综合效果,获得了高质量的AUT校准试块。总结出了试块加工的质量控制方法,以为同行提供借鉴。Abstract: As the only AUT system calibration block, the quality of the block directly influences the reliability of the system performance. This article is to show how a high quality of AUT calibration block is completed by monitoring each step of AUT calibration block manufacture and by accurately measuring the reflectors size and its comprehensive effect. The quality control method of the block manufacture is summarized, providing a good reference for the peer.