

    The Development Status of Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Technique

    • 摘要: 磁巴克豪森噪声(MBN,Magnetic Barkhausen Noise)技术可以用来评估铁磁性材料一定深度内的微观组织结构变化、应力状态、微损伤缺陷等,是实现对材料疲劳、微裂纹等早期性能退化及应力状态评估的一项重要无损检测技术,工程应用前景广阔。简述了MBN技术的基本原理,综述了国内外MBN技术的研究现状,包括材料应力检测、金属疲劳状态分析、金属微观组织和晶粒度分析、材料硬度测量、材料表面处理工艺评价、与常规无损检测方法的比对等方面的内容,介绍了国内外相关检测仪器和检测标准,指出了MBN检测技术的发展趋势。


      Abstract: Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) technique is a Nondestructive Testing (NDT) method capable of detecting the microstructure transformation, stress concentration and damage in ferromagnetic material. It can be used to assess the fatigue damage, the variation of microstructure, and the stress statue for ferromagnetic structure at the early stage. The research of MBN technique at present is reviewed in this paper, including magnetic material testing on stress, analyzing the fatigue stage of magnetic material, analyzing the metallographic structure, testing the surface hardness value, evaluating the surface treatment quality, and the comparision with other NDT methods. The MBN equipments and the standards are introduced in this paper and meanwhile, the development tendency of MBN technique is indicated.


