

    Design and Application of Remote Visual Monitor System for GIS Switchgears at the Generating Station

    • 摘要: 在分析气体绝缘金属封闭开关(GIS)重要性的基础上,进行了GIS闸刀目视监控系统的研究,设计制作了电磁屏蔽摄像头、构建了抗高压电磁波冲击信号传输系统与GIS开关状态图像数据库,并进行了现场应用试验。试验结果验证了GIS闸刀目视监控系统的先进性、有效性、实用性与可靠性。


      Abstract: Based on the analysis of the importance of the gas-insulated switchgear and controlgear (GIS), key technique problems and solutions of GIS monitoring system are discussed. The researches include the electromagnetic shielding windows camera, signal transmission system with high voltage impact resistance and image database for GIS. The GIS visual monitoring system proved to be advanced, effective, practical and reliable through experiment.


