

    Ultrasonic Imaging Detection of the Composite Layer Due to Titanium Steel Explosive Welding

    • 摘要: 为了提高爆炸焊接的质量,需要对爆炸焊工件焊层处的结合情况有一个较为全面的了解。以钛-钢爆炸焊试件做为试验对象,利用超声成像扫描研究爆炸焊工件复合层处成像波纹间的距离和波纹的高度两个参量,来评价爆炸焊接的质量。结果表明:可以利用工件底面的脉冲回波和结合界面回波的相对变化、接收回波的异常来判断爆炸焊接质量,该方法对无损评价爆炸焊接质量具有很好的指导意义。


      Abstract: In order to improve the quality of explosive welding, a more comprehensive understanding of the explosive welding layer combination is needed. Previous studies on the quality of the explosive welding were almost fully undertaken by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with the help of which the binding to the surface of the material at the tissue was observed to determine whether the combination was good or bad. Although this method is accurate, it however is a destructive test, so it does not apply to the actual work of the 100% detection. In this paper, titanium steel explosive welding specimen was used as the research object, and ultrasonic imaging was employed to study the quality of explosive welding. The height of the ripple and the distance of the ripples were used as the two parameters for the evaluation of the quality of explosive welding.


