

    Ultrasonic Phased Array Inspection of In-Service Austenitic Stainless Steel Bolts

    • 摘要: 针对在役奥氏体不锈钢螺栓可靠性检测的需要,仿真分析了超声相控阵在奥氏体不锈钢螺栓中的声场分布情况,观察超声相控阵声场在奥氏体不锈钢螺栓中的覆盖范围,并通过设定检测工艺参数,仿真分析比较在役奥氏体不锈钢螺栓在完好状态和有缺陷时的声场回波情况。在奥氏体不锈钢螺栓相控阵声场仿真计算的基础上,讨论分析不同脉冲重复频率对检测结果准确性的影响,并给出如何消除脉冲重复频率产生的幻影回波伪缺陷信号的方法;最后结合仿真计算和脉冲重复频率工艺优化方法,应用超声相控阵方法成功检测出含裂纹缺陷的在役奥氏体不锈钢螺栓,验证了在役奥氏体不锈钢螺栓超声相控阵检测工艺的准确性。


      Abstract: The non-destructive testing of small sized (M12-M20) austenitic stainless steel bolts in use is always a technical problem. According to the reliability testing needs of stainless steel bolts in use, this paper analyzes sound field distribution of stainless steel bolts in ultrasonic phased array by simulation, observes its sound field coverage in ultrasonic phased array and sets inspection process parameters. Simulation analysis on and comparison of the sound field echo status of the in use stainless steel bolts in good and flawed condition, and based on the sound field calculation of stainless steel bolts phased array simulation, the paper also discusses and analyzes the effects of different pulse repetition frequency on the accuracy of detection results, and shows the method how to eliminate the false defection signal of phantom echo generated by pulse repetition frequency. Finally, by combining the process optimization method of simulating calculation and pulse repetition frequency, cracks of in service stainless steel bolts were successfully detected by applying ultrasonic phased array. It proved the accuracy of ultrasonic phased array inspection technology, which could provide technical support for future non-destructive testing of austenitic stainless steel bolts in use.


