Visual Testing of Silver Alloy Rods Appearance
摘要: 目视检测作为一种无损检测方法, 能够及时发现银合金棒材中间工序产品表面的宏观缺陷。列举了银合金棒材目视检测的常见缺陷, 以及影响银合金棒材目视检测的因素。对于目前无损检测行业缺乏统一的标准而造成检测中判定的主观性和盲目性的问题, 建议通过实践, 建立有色金属目视检测的标准规范。Abstract: Visual testing as a method of nondestructive detection is widely used for surface defect of the intermediate working procedure of silver alloy bars. This paper mainly introduces different defects in the fabrication process of silver rods, and elaborates the cause of these surface defects. At present these is no any unified standards in visual testing industry, which makes the detecting processing very aimless. The author suggests that normative standard should be established.
- Visual testing /
- Silver alloy rod /
- Surface /
- Macro-defect
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