

    The VT Inspection Control Device in the RPV

    • 摘要: 反应堆压力容器是核电厂和核动力系统装置中最重要的设备之一, 在一回路系统中承受高温、高压和强烈的中子辐照。为了完成对其视频检查的无损检测目标, 设计了基于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)为主控制器的反应堆压力容器视频检查控制系统, 实现了反应堆压力容器堆焊层的视频检查。系统现已用于核电站的役前和在役检查中, 取到了较好的效果。


      Abstract: As one of the key components of Nuclear Power Systems, Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) has to be applicable for the environment with high-pressure, high-temperature and strong radiation from neutrons. In order to monitor the RPV′s running conditions, and to avoid the dangerousness to human from touching, a video-inspection system has been designed and complimented, which is mainly based on the programmed logical circuit (PLC) to control RPV finely and perfectly with the considerations from mechanics and electronic connecting. The feedbacks from the engineering application proved the good efficiency of this system.


