The Analysis for Magnetic Flux Leakage Field of the Weld Defect Based on 3D Numerical Simulation
Graphical Abstract
This paper presents an approach based on numerical simulation for the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) field for the butt weld of the welding equipment such as the pressure vessel in order to study the weld defect. Comparative analysis of the leakage field characteristics was made for different welding processes (singlesided weld and doublesided weld) of having no defects, defects in the weld and defects in heataffected zone with finite element method (FEM) numerical simulation. Also, the laws of distribution of the MFL field are meanwhile studied when two rectangular defects are premade in the singlesided weld. Simulation results show that the doublesided weld has greater impact on the defect in the weld; also under the situation of coexistence of two defects the distance between the defects is the main factor to affect the MFL field distribution.