Simulating Calculation of Propagations of Ultrasonic Longitudinal/Transverse Wave Based on ANSYS
Graphical Abstract
Ultrasonic test is a generally used NDT method, but the results are often very abstracted because of the complex transmission path of ultrasonic. Whenever a new technique is invented or experiment results need to be proved objectively, many calibration blocks must be made, which means a serious waste of time and resources. Finite element method software ANSYS is a widely-used tool to develop new technique or to verify the test or experiment results. In this paper the finite element method software ANSYS was applied to simulate the ultrasonic paths. The result shows that acting as simulating calibration blocks, ANSYS software can exhibit ultrasonic paths and the characteristics of sound field intuitively. The ANSYS software is a helpful and powerful tool to study ultrasonic technology, which can not only provide the basis for the design and development of new technique and technology, but gives theoretical and simulating references for defect assessment.