Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Acoustic Testing Signals with Consideration of Electromagneto-Mechanical Coupling Effect
Graphical Abstract
To clarify the influence of the electromagneto-mechanical coupling effect due to the additional electric field induced by the velocity effect on the simulated EMAT signals, a numerical code with consideration of the coupling effect was developed. Through introducing the v×B term to the governing equation of eddy current problem, the reduced vector potential(Ar) method and a step by step time integration algorithm were adopted with the finite element method for the simulation. The feature of the simulated EMAT signals and the propagation pattern of the simulated ultrasonic wave demonstrated that the algorithm and the corresponding numerical code were efficient. To investigate the influence of the coupling effect, EMAT signals of different conditions were simulated by using both the codes with and without the coupling effect considered. By comparing the numerical results of amplitude and Lorentz force, it demonstrated that the coupling effect did not give significant influence on the EMAT signals, which could be ignored in practice.