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    Acoustic emission rub-impact location algorithm for rotating machinery based on cluster analysis
    ZHANG Lin, YU Yang
    2023, 45(11): 1-5. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311001
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the relationship between elastic stressand ultrasonic longitudinal and transverse wave acoustic time ratio of 45 steel
    TAO Yijun, XUE Chuyang, WANG Chen, LI Dehong, WANG Zhiwu
    2023, 45(11): 6-9. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311002
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of phased array ultrasonic testing data for pultrusion beam of wind turbine blades
    LI Debin, LU Tonghong, TONG Mingdong, WANG Xianfeng, GAO Yang
    2023, 45(11): 10-13. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311003
    Abstract PDF
    The method of multi-zone TOFD detection of unequal thickness cone and cylinder reflex angle butt weld
    NING Dongming, CHENG Min, LIU Shuqian, SUN Kun
    2023, 45(11): 14-19. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311004
    Abstract PDF
    Welding defect identification based on high-frequency ultrasonic testing
    ZHAO Xinyu, JIANG Deshun, LI Zheng, ZHANG Jiaying
    2023, 45(11): 20-23,52. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311005
    Abstract PDF
    Damage focusing imaging method for composite materials using multipe array of ultrasonic guided wave frequency-phased joint control excitation
    HU Quanyao, ZHONG Yongteng
    2023, 45(11): 24-29,58. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311006
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of damage characteristics of high-temperature ceramic matrix composite under tensile loading
    LIU Wugang, WANG Long, SONG Junbai, WU Zhenqiang, XING Ruisi, HOU Chuantao, REN Fang
    2023, 45(11): 30-34,66. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311007
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment of acoustic emission of tensile damage of titanium alloy under high temperature environment
    WANG Zhigang, WANG Ping, PENG Guoping, JIANG Lifan, LI Qiufeng, WANG Haitao
    2023, 45(11): 35-41,71. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311008
    Abstract PDF
    Online measurement of bolt tightening force based on ultrasonic dual-wave method
    JING Fengyu, WANG Chaofan, YE Zhongfei, MA Yunrui, LI Yang
    2023, 45(11): 42-46,79. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311009
    Abstract PDF
    Multiple linear regression analysis on the reliability of aggregate water content detection by microwave transmission method
    HONG Weihua, HUANG Qianlong, MA Xurong, CAI Yanxia, LI Fulin
    2023, 45(11): 47-52. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311010
    Abstract PDF
    Data acquisition method of ultrasonic C-scan imaging for variable thickness workpieces
    ZHANG Yifeng, XIA Yuxiu, XUE Feng
    2023, 45(11): 53-58. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311011
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of efficiency of EMAT surface wave transducer based on bias magnetic field
    ZHANG Yitao, CHENG Shuyun, LU Minghui, ZHU Ying, HU Ke, DAI Yuhui
    2023, 45(11): 59-66. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311012
    Abstract PDF
    Weld image compression method based on adaptive Walsh-Hadamard transform
    JIANG Wenbo, CHEN Nian, GUO Dongjie, LI Wenhao, QU Haoyang, SHEN Meng, YANG Jianhua
    2023, 45(11): 67-71. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311013
    Abstract PDF
    Research progress in signal processing algorithms for nondestructive testing of steel wire ropes
    XU Zhongqi, YANG Jianhua, LI Shangyuan, YANG Yan, WANG Liang, SUN Bowen, HUANG Shengping
    2023, 45(11): 72-79. DOI: 10.11973/wsjc202311014
    Abstract PDF